Protein Biology
Item Info | |
Scientific specialization: | Molecular Biology (1) |
Type: | |
Production date: | 2024-01-08 |
Target Group: | undergraduate students, 2nd level, Microbiology and Chemistry Program |
Goals: | understand nature of protein structure and function, importance of secondary structure in protein function and protein life cyce |
Description: | protein is an essential macromolecule and responsible of function in organisms as well as importance for structural building of organism skeleton. Understanding protein structure and diverse functions is mandatory for understanding basics of central dogme of molecular biology |
Keywords: | protein, amino acids, secondary structure, genetic code |
Added Value: | Macromolecules visualization and understanding of basics of central dogma of molecular biology |
No. Of views: | 1424 |
Author Info | |
Author Name: | Heba Talaat Mahmoud Ebeed |
Degree: | Assistant professor |
University: | Damitta university |
Collage: | Faculty of industrial education - كلية التعليم الصناعي |
Department: | chemistry and botany - الكيمياء والنبات |
E-mail: | [email protected] |